Junior studies abroad in Israel
Program presents opportunity to Jewish high schoolers.
December 20, 2016
Junior Ilana Meisler said she is excited to be spending two months at Alexander Muss High School in Israel. Meisler said she decided to go because of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
“I decided to go to Israel because it was a unique opportunity and a cool experience,” Meisler said.
According to Meisler, high school in Israel is very different from high school in America.
“We take a four-hour Jewish history class three days a week. The other three days we travel around Israel and see things that relate to what we have been learning,” Meisler said. “So far we have learned Jewish history up until around 1200 C.E. We have also learned about the rise of Christianity and Islam.”
Meisler said as students, they get to visit many interesting places, including Masada, a mountain with significance to Judaism.
“My favorite part so far has been climbing Masada, because we saw so many rainbows that day,” Meisler said.
Meisler said since being on the program, she has a stronger attachment to her faith.
“I felt more of a connection to Judaism because I understand the significance behind what I am seeing. I am able to appreciate what I am seeing in a different way,” Meisler said.
Meisler said the program is important to her because she gets to learn about her religion.
“This program is meaningful to me because it teaches me more about the history of the Jewish people and Israel,” Meisler said.
More information on Alexander Muss High School in Israel can be found here.