Members pay it forward
FCA celebrates past year with candy cane messages
FCA members gather together Dec 20 before break to write messages on candy canes with the #payitforward to spread some holiday cheer before break.
December 23, 2016
According to Senior Hannah Ellingson paying it forward does not have to be a huge gesture, but something as simple as being kind to a stranger. When Ellingson noticed how happy she was when helping others, she thought of the idea of passing out candy cane messages at school would benefit relationships among students in a positive way.
“At youth group last week, one of the leaders told us how she found a candy cane with a message on her windshield, so that night the activity we did was making candy canes to give to others. I thought it’d be a cool thing to do here at SLP,” Ellingson said.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) member freshman Josie Kietzmann enjoyed the idea of using candy to spread cheer.
“I loved the candy cane messaging activity. I love candy canes and I think it was a fun thing to do before break. We used the hashtag #payitforward in hopes that students would think about paying it forward by doing something nice for someone else,” Kietzmann said.
Ellingson says the slogan #payitforward is a reminder for people to pass around kindness towards others by returning the favor.
“My youth group leader said that the #payitforward was written at the bottom of the note she got. I think by adding that hashtag at the end, it’s a reminder and way for the people who have received a candy cane to do the same, whether it be giving a candy cane to someone else, or simply being kind to a stranger, that’s paying it forward to me,” Ellingson said.
Kietzmann said passing out candy canes reminded her how important and amazing it is to be nice towards others. She said she hopes students realize how great it
feels to spread joy to others throughout the year.
“Doing this activity reminded me to focus on doing things for others, especially around this time of year. I’m hoping that this activity will set the tone at school for being kind to others all year round,” Kietzmann said.
Ellingson said she wants to spread cheer, joy and make people feel special.
“I hope that we can make people’s days a little brighter and to spread joy and God’s love through writing them a message and giving them a little treat before the start of winter break,” Ellingson said.
The FCA team meets every other Tuesday at 8 a.m. to discuss their monthly activities.