History Day provokes learning
Project allows research about passion
Sophomore Ryan Harnanan works on a computer researching information relating to his History Day project during his World History class Jan. 9. History Day takes place during the day Feb. 1 at Park. Minnesota state History Day occurs April 24.
January 10, 2017
As senior Anna Zirkes brainstormed ideas for her History Day project, she said Rachel Carson came to mind because of her interest in environmental science and hearing about her in her freshman science class.
Zirkes said she wanted to research someone who studied in a field she is passionate about.
“In college I really want to study environmental science, and so I really wanted to pick a topic that I’m interested in because I just think that’s easier,” Zirkes said. “I chose Rachel Carson just because I remember hearing about her in (AP environmental science) but then I just never really learned much besides that and so I wanted to dig deeper.”
According to social studies department head and history teacher Carley Kregness, History Day is an annual event taking place Feb. 1 this year, where students can choose their projecttype and can work alone or with other people.
“History Day is a national program where students complete a research project and they create a product that they enter in a competition,” Kregness said. “(Students) can make an exhibit, they can make a website, they can make a documentary movie, they can write a paper or create a performance.”
Kregness said the History Day theme this year is “taking a stand in history.”
“The goals of their presentation are to have in depth historical analysis and to relate it to a theme, and to use primary sources to help tell their story,” Kregness said.
Junior Karon Adams said he thinks the History Day project benefits his learning and prepares him for the future, along with allowing him to express his creativity.
“(The project is) very informative. I’m learning a lot about Mormons,” Adams said. “What (Scott) Miller told us was it is kind of like preparing us for things we have to do for college.”
Adams said he thinks History Day is beneficial to his learning because of the extensive research he is completing and the information he is gaining from his classmates.
“I feel like I’m learning a lot from doing my project and seeing other people’s projects,” Adams said. “The research has been helping to dig in more.”
Zirkes said History Day allows her to focus on her specific interests and learn about someone who inspires her every day.
“(History Day is) a good chance to dig deeper in something that I’m passionate about outside of the classroom,” Zirkes said.
Kregness said any student can participate in History Day, even if their social studies class is not participating in it.
“We’ll work with anybody, they just have to let me know that they’re making a project and if they want help I’ll help them,” Kregness said.
Kregness said History Day takes place during the day Feb. 1 at Park.