Yearbook meets deadlines
Echowan selects editors, begins work on Spring Supplement
Senior Grace Feldman buys a yearbook during lunch Sept. 26.
April 30, 2017
According to Echowan adviser Julianne Herbert, next year’s major staffers were selected April 26.
“We just selected (the major staff) on Wednesday, so we had already assigned everybody work,” Herbert said. “A lot of the time while we were doing interviews the junior staffers were working, so we could see how they worked without supervision which was a handy little piece.”
Editor-in-chief of the Echowan, senior Talia Simonett said she feels next year’s yearbook staff will be successful.
“I think next year’s team is going to be wonderful. Great editors were chosen,” Simonett said. “This year I felt like it was a harder choice than last year because we had so many people applying. There were great candidates, but I think the ones chosen are going to do a wonderful job next year.”
According to Herbert, the current staff has started work on the spring supplement. She said working on the spring supplement can be stressful because the staff must meet quick deadlines.
“We need to finish the spring supplement which is always a very stressful process because we have to get the spring sports (section) done before they’re actually finished,” Herbert said. “The play, it’s this weekend and we have a three-day turnaround to do the spread.”
Having finished the main portion of the yearbook, Simonett said she finds working on the spring supplement to be a more relaxed job.
“(The Echowan) is way more of a relaxed environment because the book is done,” Simonett said. “That’s crazy for us. We finally have completed it and the spring supplement is just the cherry on top. Once we send (The Spring Supplement) it’s going to be a relief, it’s done and then the excitement is going to be on distribution day.”
Herbert said the size of the spring supplement allows staffers to have an easier workload.
“I think everybody’s really focused. It’s a much smaller deadline than our deadlines usually are, so people have like one thing to do, so that makes it easier,” Herbert said.
According to Simonett, staffers takes over the positions they will have next year for the spring supplement.
“The spring supplement is kind of easy and it goes by quick because everybody knows what they’re doing by now,” Simonett said. “All the editors take on the role of what they’re going to be doing next year, so this year’s editors are kind of just guiding and watching and seeing what they can do. I think everybody’s set and ready and know what they’re doing.”
Herbert said although the spring supplement is stressful, Echowan will have time to plan distribution before the yearbook is distributed.
“The next week is pretty stressful and then we have some time when we just plan for doing distribution, how that setup is going to be,” Herbert said. “The new major staff starts doing some planning for yearbook camp and what they want to do. They start thinking about possible themes and how they want to design the book and organize it.”
According to Herbert, the spring supplement will be sent to print May 5.