Previous runners-up win Homecoming badminton
Team ‘Lumberjiicks’ take home victory
Seniors Luke Mobley and Shea Pekarek compete during a round of badminton, Sept, 12. Tuesday was the second night of homecoming events.
September 12, 2017
Bitter from last year’s defeat in the championship match, senior Luke Mobley said all of his focus was on winning this tournament.
Mobley said the highlight of tonight’s event was taking home the championship.
“We came here last year and fell a little short. We had to get redemption. We got second place and really didn’t feel good about it,” Mobley said. “I felt like winning the championship (this year) took care of business.”
First time attendee and Assistant Principal Penny Dupris said she enjoyed watching students and teachers interactive with one another.
“I love it. It’s so much fun to see the students having a great time. It’s great to see the kids and teachers play together,” Dupris said.
Vizcarra, who participated in this event said she was frightened about the energy some students presented during the games.
“It’s intimidating because there are more dudes, kind of freaks me out to be honest. They’re very aggressive,” Vizcarra said.
Member of team Spicy Nachos, senior Antonio Olivos said the system in which the matches were played in could improve.
“We lost, we didn’t have enough time, they only gave us a minute so that’s not fair. We should do points instead of time,” Olivos said.
Senior and member of the winning team the ‘Lumberjiiicks’ Shea Pekarek said he would encourage students to partake in this event and have fun with friends.
“It’s a great time you have to get out here, be with your buddies and just compete within your school,” Pekarek said.
Coronation, the next Homecoming event takes place at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Auditorium.