Concert Choir begins preparations for prestigious concert

Ruby Stillman

Zero hour choir members practice their piece Loch Lomond for an upcoming concert.

Isabel Kjaer

Voices ring in the choir room as the Concert Choir prepares for their performance at the Minnesota Music Educators Association Midwinter Clinic, according to choir director John Myszkowski.

The Minnesota Music Educators Association (MMEA) clinic is a gathering of all the music teachers in the state, from preschool to college, according to Myszkowski. A select number of choirs, bands and orchestras are chosen to perform, according to Myszkowski.

Senior Thomas Bryant said many schools apply to participate in the concert, so it’s a great opportunity for them to be accepted.

“There are a whole plethora of high school choirs that apply for it. It’s really hard to be able to do it,” Bryant said.

Myszkowski said he hopes their rigorous preparation will help the choir thrive when the concert date arrives. Myszkowski said he made plans with the St. Louis Park resident and conductor of a world-renowned choir at the University of Minnesota to aid the choir as the concert approaches.

“The kids will have experience with someone who has taught at the University of Minnesota, and who conducts one of the huge choirs in the Twin Cities, and get his opinions and insights on improving,” Myszkowski said.

Myszkowski hopes the new pieces the choir is attempting for the concert will challenge the choir and help to improve their talents.

“The level of preparation prior to (the clinic) is up several notches. So they’ll hopefully grow from that,” Myszkowski said.

The choir will be slowly incorporating the songs they’ll be singing at the convention into their other concerts throughout the year, such as their District Vocal Festival on Tuesday, Oct. 24. The MMEA Concert is at 3:45 on Feb. 23 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.