Storiole manager optimistic about the year

Senior Maya Smith intends to expand Storiole merchandise, snacks

Brooklyn Donelson

Storiole manager Maya Smith sells ICE drinks to freshmen during second lunch Sept. 27.

Dani Orloff

Senior Storiole manager Maya Smith said she enjoys the role of manager and the opportunities the leadership position entails.

“(Managing is) a great way to get to know people and learn more about marketing and all the stuff it takes to be a good store owner,” Smith said.

Smith said she was inspired by her older brother who was the manager of the Storiole last year.

“My brother was a manager before me, for the school store. I get to do a lot of the stuff that he did when he was manager and I saw the stuff he was doing and it just interested me, so I wanted to join too,” Smith said.  

Smith said she looks forward to passing on her experiences and knowledge to future Storiole leaders.

“I am excited to sell new things, get the word out, promote everything. I am excited to teach other people how to be managers for next year,” Smith said.

According to Smith, this year, the Storiole aims to sell merchandise from a wide range of name-brands.

“We have a whole new Champion section. It’s really comfortable. We’re really thinking we could cater to a lot of the kids our age who are very into brands,” Smith said. “We wanted to make sure we could get the message out that we have Champion apparel and then we have some new Nike stuff, too.”

Smith said she aims to get more students to shop in the Storiole and see what it has to offer.

“I want more people to come in,” Smith said.  “I want everyone to get a chance because some people don’t even step into the store once during the year.”

According to Smith, the Storiole is open daily during all lunch hours.