Sophomores accepted into All-State Choir
Program admits two Park Singers for the first time
Sophomore Phoebe McKinney sings and dances during her zero hour choir class. Choir is preparing for their 1940’s POPS concert May 29 in the High School auditorium .
May 13, 2019
After hearing he had been accepted into All-State Choir, sophomore Leo Dworsky said he was excited to begin the program because of all the good stories he has been told about it.
“From what I have heard it is a really cool experience so it’ll be really cool for me as well,” Dworsky said.
Sophomore Phoebe McKinney, who was also accepted into the program, expressed how even though she is very honored to get into the program, she is not able to participate.
“I am really happy that I got accepted as a sophomore. Sadly I can’t participate in the program this year but it’s still really cool knowing that I have what they want,” McKinney said.
Dworsky said he had to go through a process of submitting several voice recordings to apply for the program.
“In March there were auditions that we had to submit three things: a scale, a song of our choice as well as an excerpt that they chose for us which was ‘Alma del core.’ And that (was) what every person that auditioned had to do,” Dworsky said.
After receiving the news that he had two students get accepted into the program, choir director John Myszkowski said after having one student make it a couple of years ago, it is exciting two were accepted this year.
“It is the first year the choir has ever had two kids. We have had single kids win it before but never had two which is huge,” Myszkowski said.
Dworsky said the program invites students to join a select choir during the summer and perform at concerts at different locations.
“In August I am going off to a college and we are learning a bunch of songs. Then afterward we’ll be putting on a concert at the college, and then in February we perform at Orchestra Hall,” Dworsky said.
McKinney said during the application process she faced some troubles but overcame them by switching her songs.
“I was really nervous. One of the parts is that you’re supposed to prepare a solo and my solo at first was in French and I’ve never spoken French in my life, so within two weeks of the audition being due we switched my song,” McKinney said. “It was a good choice because it showed off my range better. It’s a little harder to learn, but it all turned out well.”
Dworsky said when he tried out he was very excited and was confident with his performance.
“I auditioned for the tenor one spot and after I finished I felt pretty good about it and then I think April 26 I learned that I made it in and that was me and Phoebe which is a huge accomplishment,” Dworsky said.