Birdfeeder offers summer meal plans
Request forms due May 31
Senior Altheagrace Tyler packs a bag for students in need of food May 28. Birdfeeder is accepting applications from students who need food over the summer until May 31.
May 30, 2019
The Birdfeeder and free and reduced lunch provide meal security for students in need during the school year. According to junior Victoria Martinez, this service will continue into the summer.
“During the summer we want (students) to be able to relax and not have to worry about getting a job to help provide for their family. They should just have this time to themselves and not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from,” Martinez said.
Birdfeeder adviser Sophia Ross said summer can be a problematic time for students dependant on school-provided meals.
“A lot of the students we serve are on free or reduced lunch, so once school is out they don’t have access to that one meal that they always relied on during the day,” Ross said. “Whether their parents are working or there’s not enough food in the house, we’re able to send food home at least for the beginning of the summer for those students.”
According to Martinez, the Birdfeeder provides food for students whose homes may be understocked over the break.
“The Birdfeeder is going to offer students a bigger meal pack for over the summer,” Martinez said. “Our hope is to get students as much food in their homes as possible, so that they have enough food for the summer.”
Senior Altheagrace Tyler said these meal packs are larger than normal to account for the longer break from school.
“The meals we are giving out for the summer are a lot bigger. Sometimes we just pack snacks for students who need food throughout the week, but for the summer meal plans we give out a big chunk of food,” Tyler said.
According to Ross, the school also has a summer free meal plan for students.
“For anybody in our school district, there’s a couple school sites and every single day they can go there for free and get a meal. Ms. George, down in the media center, is the one that is promoting it,” Ross said.