Decision day brings closure to class of 2022
Seniors gather to announce future plans after high school
Seniors pose wearing their college apparel May 10. Park’s decision day celebration was held during Park Connections.
May 31, 2022
As the 2021-22 school year comes to a close, seniors alike have to decide what their next step will be after graduation. Whether it be college, full-time jobs or a gap year, the class of 2022 have a day where they can celebrate how far they have come and take pride in their decisions. According to senior Katrina Nevinski, alumni parents and expenses played a role in her final decision.
“I’m going to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study history and possibly secondary education,” Nevinski said. “Cost was definitely a factor for me, and I was between two schools and Madison ended up being less costly. My dad went there as well, so I’ve been around the school my whole life.”
For others, the decision was easy to make. According to senior Grace Fahey, she had only applied to a few schools she knew she loved.
“I’m going to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to study political science,” said Fahey. “I only applied to two schools and I liked (Eau Claire) the best.”
Post-high school education is a stepping stone for many to be able to continue working in their major. According to senior Shira Hanovich, learning how to be an independent adult is a goal beyond her secondary education.
“I want to figure out adulthood,” said Hanovich. “I’d like a job, I’d like my own source of income and I’d like to end up with a degree in something.”
Graduation offers an opportunity for students to leave their hometowns, whether it be for college or career training. This comes with new found freedom and some bittersweet feelings. For Nevinski the most difficult aspect about leaving Park is the loss of a tight knit district.
“I feel like I have such a close community here,” Nevinski said.
Graduation itself is unique for every student. According to assistant principal Jessica Busse, the location of graduation connects everyone together.
“The fact that we do it on our field makes it special,” said Busse. “It’s our house, it’s our building and we run the whole thing.”
Although college is a place to learn and expand your knowledge, it is also an opportunity for personal growth. According to Fahey, she has hope that new experiences will help her prosper.
“My goal is to definitely grow as a person,” said Fahey.