Park yearbook brings in new staff
Echowan creates new social media position
Senior Gabe Pimsler will assume the new role of social media editor.
October 13, 2014
During a time when technology is an ever growing industry, school publications need to increase their social media presence. The Park yearbook is no exception.
Park’s yearbook, the Echowan, recently created a new social media editing position, currently held by senior Gabe Pimsler. Staff adviser Julianne Herbert said she hopes the increased presence of the Echowan on social media will help sales.
“I’m hoping it promotes sales because we are a self-supported organization, so we don’t get money to produce the book from the school, and so sales are really important,” Herbert said.
According to Pimsler, he runs the yearbook’s Facebook and Twitter pages, along with promoting Echowan to the school.
“Along with promoting sales, I also talk to the students so I’m just communicating Wan to the students,” Pimsler said.
While promoting sales is one of Echowan’s main purposes with the new position, Herbert hopes it will increase school spirit.
“I’m hoping it gets people actually excited for school itself, because that’s part of the yearbook’s purpose,” Herbert said.
Echowan photographer, junior Emily Hinz, says that having one staffer dedicated to social media will help Echowan’s efficiency.
“I think having an editor designated to social media will be a lot more effective than if all of the editors only posting when something comes to mind,” Hinz said.
Pimsler also said he believes the new position will be more organized and helpful for the yearbook and the yearbook’s staff.
“It’s consolidating roles, so it will be much more efficient to have one person managing this so that everyone else can focus,” Pimsler said.
According to Hinz, yearbooks are on sale for $65 cash or check, which can be made out to Balfour. For more updates about the Echowan, follow @SLP_theWAN on Twitter.