Yearbook continues senior picture traditions

Echowan sells baby ads

Olivia Sieff

Senior pictures tend to be a highlight for students, especially those graduating. The yearbook, Echowan not only displays senior pictures, but also senior baby pictures.

The baby ads as the yearbook calls them are cute notes from parents, guardians, family, etc. and include a baby picture of the graduating student.

Adviser Julianne Herbert said that not only does she enjoy seeing the baby ads every year, but that she believes it’s one of parent’s favorite traditions.

“It’s a tradition that parents look forward to every year,” Herbert said. “And in practicality, it’s a fundraiser for us that helps keep our costs manageable.”

According to senior sales manager Gabby Martinez, the baby ads are due by Nov. 21 and cost $45.

“It’s a 140 character max message, basically just congratulating the senior or sharing a memory,” Martinez said.

According to senior Jack Nauha, he said he believes the baby pictures are interesting and a good part of the yearbook so that seniors can see their life throughout the years.

“They’re pretty cool because you get to see how someone grows up and what they look like now,” Nauha said.

Pictures can be emailed, along with the message, to anytime before the deadline. $45, cash or check made out to Balfour, should be turned into the Echowan room B229.