Black History Month performance to educate
February to celebrate African-American past
Performance adviser Chris Weaver films senior Donita Edwards for a video for the Black History Month performance Feb. 3.
February 19, 2015
According to senior Black History Month coordinator Amira Warren, this year’s performance is more relevant than ever from her past two years putting on the production.
Warren said the title of the performance is “Black Lives Matter.”
“The title sprung from Ferguson, but it is mainly from the Black Lives Matter groups in Minnesota and what they are doing for Minneapolis,” Warren said.
Warren said one aspect of the performance will be students talking about their experiences regarding racism, and why it’s important to them.
“I see people in the halls and they lightly brush off racism, and for black people, it is a cycle,” Warren said. “If you experience it more than once, you know you aren’t imagining it. It’s real.”
Performance adviser Chris Weaver said people need to understand the perspective from black Americans.
“My hopes are that we do this show every year and people walk away with questions or different ideas about what it means to be black or who black people really are and what our history is like,” Weaver said.
Senior Nadia Mohamed said she took part in the performance last year and said Black History Month has the power to start a dialogue and celebrate diversity.
“It is important for our school to celebrate this month because we all get lost in the white culture and we forget that there are other cultures,” Mohamed said. “I think it is a great thing for us to celebrate being black.”
Weaver said in our country, many people often take advantage of black people, and in turn their views on them are distorted and inaccurate.
“People need to be aware of what’s happening to all of the people in our country, and what’s happened to them,” Weaver said.
According to Warren there will be a show featuring three videos, T-shirts for sale and information will be displayed about black history throughout the school through February.
The performance will be during fourth and sixth hour Feb. 20 in the Auditorium.