Club aspires for bigger presence

Film club looks to increase attendance, solidify schedule

Lauren VonEschen

As summer comes to a close, senior Charlie Berg, one of the film club leaders and founders, said he’s excited to start his school year watching, discussing and analyzing films with his recently-formed club.

Last school year, a group of students came together merging their ideas in order to create a film club. According to Berg, the purpose of this club is to watch films while analyzing the different motifs, language and aspects that come into filmmaking.

Previously, the club followed an alternating week system. One week the group would meet and watch the movie itself, and the next week it would analyze and discuss it. However, this year the club plans to have the group discussion on the same day as the viewing of the movie due to attendance issues last year.

Berg said all students are welcome to attend whether they are experienced in film or not, and for that reason he would love to see better attendance this year.

“Basically our goal was to create an environment for people already really interested in film, as well as others who didn’t know a ton but want to learn about such a cool art form,” Berg said.

Senior club leader Garrett Wells said attendance was a major issue the club faced last year and he would like to see that change this year.

“I would love to see a lot more presence. We had a small roster of people who would show up consistently, and there wasn’t really a variety of people,” Wells said. “Two people always have two different interpretations on films and aspects of filmmaking and it’s great to hear those views. With less people it harder to get that sense of presence.”

Berg said one of the big issues the film club faced last year was that the administration would not allow the club to watch R-rated movies.

“I’d love for the club to solidify with the administration whether we can show R-rated films,” Berg said. “That was a major obstacle last year, because when you think about hosting a club that deals with such highly noted cinema, having such a restriction makes it really hard to work around.”

According to Berg, the club is still looking for an adult adviser for this year. They do not know whether their advisor from last year, Mr. Redmond, will be working with them again.

The club will meet every Wednesday after school, with the location to be determined.