Club provides free tutoring for all students
Help in all subjects available Tuesday, Thursday mornings
Senior officers Jonah Kupritz, Madison Vignes, Kate Duerksen, Jack Reddan and Jessica Schmidt introduce themselves to NHS members at their first meeting Sept. 16.
September 23, 2015
For National Honor Society (NHS) adviser Jenny Magdal, the ability to help students with difficult material from their classes provides a good opportunity to fulfill the pillar of service.
“We saw a need and the perfect opportunity to help,” Magdal said. “NHS used to have the tutoring option available a long time ago, but due to the school schedule it was harder for students to come in.”
This year NHS started a stamp system to persuade students to come down for tutoring. Senior and officer of public relations Jack Reddan said both students and teachers would be able to use it as a helpful resource.
“This year we have stamps so teachers can use it as a resource, if they choose, to have students that need help with a subject to come down and get it,” Reddan said. “The stamps certify they got help. Overall it really helps both teachers and student throughout the school year.”
Reddan said he hopes students will use the tutoring system.
“For all subjects we offer math, science, social studies, English and languages, although the level the tutor can work on varies by which classes they have,” Reddan said. “If you walk into the LMC, there will be a name propped up and next to the name is the subject they feel comfortable with. There will be four tutors down at the maximum.”
Since last year, Magdal said NHS has worked hard to let more students know about this resource. Magdal said NHS has used a variety of methods to spread awareness about joining the club.
“We had a flyer from the NHS seniors that we handed out at freshmen orientation that has information about tutoring. I also shared news on the 6425 Newsletter and will be reminding teachers to their classes about it,” Magdal said.
Redan said NHS hopes to encourage more students to come in this year, and encourages students to take advantage of the tutoring.
“It’s a great free opportunity and everyone is there to help so no one should worry about coming down,” Reddan said.
NHS officially starts tutoring on Sept. 22, which will last until the end of the year. Tutoring takes place every Tuesday and Thursday morning in the Library Media Center (LMC) for students having trouble in any subject.