SHEC to host introductory meeting

Club provides safe, comfortable environment

Emily Tifft

As seniors and Sexual Health Education Club presidents Dorothy Slater and Hannah Heitzinger plan the first meeting, they focus on inclusivity and comfort within the club.

Sexual Health Education Club (SHEC) adviser Allison Luskey said she wants to make sure every member feels comfortable during the first meeting.

“My goal is that kids will feel welcome and know that they can join wherever they are at with their interests in sexual health,” Luskey said.

Slater said the meeting is important because it is the first opportunity to recruit more members.

“This meeting will set the stage for the rest of the year, and it will tell people what will happen later in the year,” Slater said.

According to Luskey, the meeting serves as an introduction and for the presidents to

plan out the rest of the year.

“We will have a question box format after introductions. Students can ask questions like what we do in health class,” Luskey said. “The idea is that some of those questions can be answered, but then the ones that aren’t gotten to can help us base some of the topics that may be selected as discussion for the other meetings.”

Sophomore Philip Djerf was a club member last year and said he looks forward to another year.

“I hope to learn more about sexual health at this upcoming meeting so that I have information to help anyone who has questions,” Djerf said.

Meetings take place every other Tuesday throughout the year. The first meeting will take place at 8 a.m Sept. 29 in B112.