Orchestra reflects on All-Conference competition
Sophomores blank and blank practice playing the concert music for their upcoming Halloween concert happening Oct 29 during class Sept
October 20, 2015
For the first time in 30 years, the orchestra program attended All-Conference, competing against top musicians from eight schools, according to orchestra director Miriam Edgar.
According to Edgar, the students enjoyed attending the event because they were able to connect with students from different parts of the community.
“(All-Conference) is really fun for the students,” Edgar said. “It is nice to build connections with other students in our conference. It makes our program stronger.”
Senior cello player Aedan Foner said he enjoys All-Conference because it’s beneficial for the students who attend.
“When you are in All-Conference you can hear every section which helps to understand,” Foner said. “It is not only for the individual, it’s for the whole group.”
Edgar said as the program continues to grow, it impresses her to see students taking on different roles. According to Edgar, the All-Conference experience allows the student to grow and learn.
“It was really amazing to see students in leadership positions,” Edgar said. “(Sophomore) Lukas Wrede was concertmaster for violin and Aedan Foner was section leader for cellos.”
Edgar said 14 students from chamber orchestra, each with their own instrument, represented St. Louis Park in the Metro-West Conference Sept. 28.
“This is the first time in more than 30 years that orchestra has participated,” Edgar said. “It was really exciting.”
After the first few weeks of in-school work time, 14 musicians from orchestra prepared for and attended All-Conference, Edgar said.
“The directors and activity directors select the top students from each school,” Edgar said. “(Park) had 14 attend this year.”
Foner said All-Conference for the program this year was a successful experience.
“All-Conference went really well,” Foner said. “We managed to get all of the music done and perform a concert with it so it was successful.”