Spanish club makes a comeback
Group begins meetings after rocky start
The Spanish club gets together and decorates cookies for the Day of the Dead celebration.
November 19, 2015
After lead Spanish club adviser Leah Mark left last year, other Spanish teachers were left to pick up the pieces and start anew, according to Spanish teacher Kristen Christiansen.
The revival of Spanish club was first brought to the school board’s attention by Christiansen and Spanish teachers Jane Hudacek and Marcus Erickson, who intended to rekindle the idea of Spanish club, Christiansen said.
According to Christiansen, Spanish club hosted two meetings and continues to schedule more as its popularity grows among students.
Senior Tyra Ramsey was a former member of Spanish club and joined again this year as president. She said Spanish club provides advantages to those in search of a more cultural experience they may not be able to find in a Spanish class.
“I am really excited about it starting up again. I want more people to experience how fun the club is,” Ramsey said. “It’s important that we are educated about our (Latin American) culture to avoid being ignorant and to broaden our culture awareness.”
At its last meeting, students of all fluency levels came together to celebrate Day of the Dead, according to Christiansen. She said they conversed about Spanish tradition and decorated cookies in honor of the holiday, which celebrates families and loved ones who have departed.
Christiansen said she intends to cater to the interests of incoming members, doing more activities involving cooking, watching movies and overall experiencing Latin American traditions.
“We are trying to take our lead from the students who have come in and been interested. A lot of students have expressed interest in the Spanish culture, so that’s the direction we are looking to take the club,” Christiansen said.
Spanish club is open to all students who are looking to join, even those who have never taken a Spanish class before. The next meeting will take place in December.
For more information, see Christiansen in room B327.