Member finds comfort in club
Sophomore Philip Djerf looks for future leadership position
Sophomore Philip Djerf listens attentively at a SHEC meeting.
December 3, 2015
When did you join Sexual Health Education Club (SHEC)?
I joined SHEC when it started last year.
Why did you join?
I joined because I heard about it on Facebook and Twitter and it sounded really interesting.
How has SHEC changed your perspective on sexual education?
It has helped me realize how important it is and also how lucky we are at St. Louis Park to actually have sexual education. A lot of schools don’t have it and are left uneducated and having the higher risk of pregnancies and STIs.
What are your hopes for the future of SHEC?
I would hope for more students to learn about it and to have a more diverse group, because as of now, I feel like not that many people know about it. I feel like if more of the school knew, there would be a higher attendance at the meetings.
What are your hopes for your future at SHEC?
I hope to be president, but what happens, happens.
What aspects of SHEC do you like?
I like that it is a really welcoming environment where everyone can feel safe and comfortable to share their opinion or get the help that they need. Also, there are really good discussions.
How does SHEC help students?
It helps students because my friends who know that I’m in SHEC have asked me questions about Central Clinic and how they can go there during school but get excused so that their parents don’t find out. I’ve been able to help them, because if I wasn’t in SHEC I wouldn’t have known the information to tell them.
How do the discussions in SHEC help you form an opinion on the topics discussed?
Everyone in the discussion can bring a new perspective to the table.
How has SHEC directly affected/impacted you?
It has helped me become a lot more knowledgeable and help me form opinions. I’ve been able to help my friends get the resources they need.
In general, what do you think students should know about SHEC?
I think they should know that everyone is welcome. It is really fun and it is a safe place where you can just join the discussion or get help and find the resources you need to be safe with your sexuality.