Adviser Tzvi Kupfer brings students together
Jewish Student Union students discuss life values
Rabbi Tzvi Kupfer talks to students about Judaism at the Jewish Student Union meeting Feb. 18.
June 7, 2016
Jewish Student Union students discussed a few phrases in Judaism, and the reality and aspects of life.
One question in the Torah specifically talks about “who is rich? Who is content with his portion?”. JSU students were asked how to define happiness based off of what wealth they have, or how to measure happiness without possessions.
According to senior Justin Less, talking about materialistic things and the value they bring to our lives is really important to take time and think about.
“Especially with today’s society of always wanting more and more, sometimes it’s good to step back from the material world and think about what really makes a person happy,” Less said.
Less said he doesn’t go to every JSU meeting but when he does, they always talk about meaningful things that he takes with him and applies to his life.
“Being a senior really makes you re-think a lot of things before you’re off on your own next year. I want to be someone who can find happiness in life without the materialistic obsession some people have in this world,” Less added.
According to Tzvi Kupfer, talking to students about the meaning of life is something he really values.
“I love seeing the students faces light up when we get into a topic so rich of value that they can also take to heart outside of these meetings,” Kupfer said.
Jewish Student Union students meet every Thursday at 3:10 in room B134. The last JSU meeting is June 9.