Club educates on sexual health

Students expand on health curriculum

Noah Orloff

Seniors Neil Walsh, Danny Hunegs and Cailey Hansen-Mahoney during Sexual Health Education Club’s meeting Nov. 8. The club’s next discussion is Dec. 20.

Noah Orloff, Marta Hill, and Isabel Kjaer

Senior Sexual Health Education Club member Sidney Hosfield said she provides insight during the club’s gatherings while gaining knowledge from others

“Most of the meetings are just kind of discussions,” Hosfield said. “A lot of times I just engage in those discussions and just put my opinions out there and learn about other people’s thoughts and opinions.”

Sexual Health Education Club (SHEC) adviser Allison Luskey said different views expressed in SHEC make it a necessary part of students’ education.

“It’s important for students to use their voice, to share their perspective and to listen to the perspectives of others,” Luskey said. “It’s a very open environment, no judgement.”

According to senior SHEC member Cailey Hansen-Mahoney, SHEC is a place to help improve one’s character and ability to help others.

“I hope that SHEC can help people become better friends, better people, and you know to know warning signs of when a friend might be in trouble,” Hansen-Mahoney said.

Hosfield said she was inspired by her peers and their passion for the club to join.

“I just had a couple of friends that were in it and a couple of my friends are the leaders of it and so they just encouraged me to show up,” Hosfield said.

Hansen-Mahoney said the topics discussed are open to what the students want to speak about.

“We talk about some topics that we want to talk about as a club and then the club leaders will kind of prepare some video clips to watch,” Hansen-Mahoney said. “You come to learn and you come to share what you already know. Bring in outside knowledge.”

According to Hosfield, she hopes to gain greater wisdom through SHEC and also would like better attendance.

“I think (my goals for SHEC are) to just have fun and learn more about the topics that we discuss,” Hosfield said. “Hopefully more people join.”

Luskey said students do not have to express their views if they do not want to.

“Kids can sit and just listen or they can share. We just talk about timely sexual health things,” Luskey said.

According to Hosfield, SHEC provides a way to build off of the health education system established at Park.

“Sexual health is something that you don’t really get to talk about a lot in regular school and you get a little bit in health class, but you only get that a couple weeks a year. I think it is helpful that you can supplement that with a club,” Hosfield said. “I think it helps broaden your perspective.”