Choir works to make ‘The Sound of Music’ a success

Directors, cast attempt to bring together double cast, staging

Katie Hardie

Sophomores Deo Shindano and Cal Stokes practice singing their part with the rest of choir Feb. 7. Shindano and Stokes both play Rolf in Park’s rendition of “The Sound of Music.” Park choir will be performing “The Sound of Music” Feb. 28, March 1, 2 and 3.

As choir gets ready to perform “The Sound of Music,” sophomore Leo Dworsky said the cast has been working productively during practices with help from choir teacher John Myszkowski, as well as co-director Lillian Zumberge.

“Basically in the rehearsals we work on staging. The theater director helps us block our scenes (and tells us) what we say,” Dworsky said. “The choir director does the vocals for everyone, it helps everybody so much.”

Myszkowski said he is working with the orchestra twice a week to get the music fully prepared for the show.

“We’ve been rehearsing in class, I’ve been rehearsing with the orchestra Monday nights and Thursday mornings and Ms. Zumberge from the junior high is doing the stage direction,” Myszkowski said.

According to junior Euan Lim, the extreme weather conditions, besides causing school cancellations, has affected musical practices.

“They are going pretty well though somewhat delayed because of the bad weather we’ve been having,” Lim said. “We’ve had to skip a lot of rehearsals because of the after school canceling.”

Lim said they are going to try to catch up on missed rehearsals by adding in more rehearsal time and completing the blocking stage quickly.

“We will have to rehearse more and hopefully people can learn quickly so that we can get blocking down and start working onstage,” Lim said.

According to Dworsky, double casting means each student is paired with another student, and they play the same role.

“It’s a double cast so each role is double cast. (Everyone) has scene partners which is really cool because it helps you kind of like a sidekick,” Dworsky said.

Myszkowski said the double cast provides twice as many kids a role in the musical as well as a backup in case anything unfortunate happens.

“I always think it’s a benefit that more kids get a chance and in case anybody’s sick, we have a built-in replacement for them,” Myszkowski said.

Sophomore Deo Shindano said the double cast allows for comradery between scene partners and brings together the cast as a whole.

“We are all acting (as brothers), but we are really close, especially me and the other person,” Shindano said.

While choir has not yet started advertising for the musical, Myszkowski believes the production will be a success and will bring in an audience.

“I’m thinking because ‘The Sound of Music’ is so well known it will be (successful), and part of it is for us to just get posters and advertising out as soon as we can,” Myszkowski said.

“The Sound of Music” will be performed Feb. 28, March 1, 2 and 3 in the high school auditorium.