Book club gains fresh perspective

‘They Both Die at the End’ encourages students to self-reflect

Ruthie Posada

Senior Sam Schug discusses the book “They Both Die at the End” with Book Club March 13. The next book to be discussed among Book Club members will be “Love, Hate & Other Filters.”

Senior Estelle Tronson said she was prompted to examine her own life by book club’s most recent read, “They Both Die at the End” by Adam Silvera.

“I don’t read a lot of realistic fiction, but I thought (the book) was good,” Tronson said. “It really makes you think about your life and what you’re doing, and for me it was like I need to appreciate the little moments more.”

According to freshman Sophia Curran-Moore, the contrast in protagonists allowed for the exploration of multiple perspectives.

“The two main characters were very different and I think it showed how different personalities react, and it just made me think to make sure I’m living my life as best as I can,” Curran-Moore said.

Book club adviser and library media specialist Ellen George said at first she was unsure about the book, because of the title, but grew to enjoy the story.

“It’s kind of depressing — the title — and in the beginning I was like, ‘oh no,’ but the more I read the more I just got pulled into the story, which is what a good storyteller does,” George said.

Curran-Moore said book club has broadened her understanding of life and the importance of sharing and discussing ideas with others in order to gain new perspectives.

“When you discuss with other people, you get to hear so many different opinions, instead of just your own opinion and your own thoughts,” Curran-Moore said. “It really expands your mind and helps you live a better life and learn new things.”

According to George, discussions enrich her enjoyment of books because she is able to talk with other book lovers to help expand her imagination.

“The whole experience of reading in and of itself is very fulfilling,” George said. “My imagination gets to go wild and it’s so much entertainment value for me. But you get to share it all over again when you get to talk about it with other people.”

Tronson said book club has been an opportunity for her to destress after a day of school.

“It’s fun, I’ve done it all four years (of high school) actually and it’s really relaxing. After school when everything is really stressful, you can just come here and eat pizza and talk about books, s,” Tronson said.

According to George, book club will meet to discuss its next book, Love, Hate & Other Filters, after school, April 30 in the LMC.