Students hope to start unique sports group

Log rolling group on its way to become community education program

Kaia Myers

Freshmen Christina Loschy and Molly Horstman-Olson practice their log rolling technique Nov. 6 at the Central pool. Participants learned the basics of log rolling and had the chance to log roll with a partner.

Sam Swisher

According to junior Clayton Horstman-Olson, he hopes people will join his log rolling group and become involved in the sport.

“I envision this club for St. Louis Park as something where people can come and learn to log roll,”Horstman said. “It can be a really fun community builder while doing something that’s really unique and enjoyable.”

Horstman-Olson said the group has already gotten interest from students. 

“We have 15 people that signed up for it and then two other people that are also interested in it, so we’ve got a decent amount of interest,” Horstman-Olson said. “We still haven’t figured out all the logistics for the club, so that number could change once we finalize everything.”

Social studies teacher and log rolling adviser Jill Merkle said she hopes the group will take off and thrive under community education.

“As of right now, I am advising it. I’m not totally sure how that’s going to look. We’re also looking at it being connected to community education, which would be cool because I don’t have a lifeguarding background,” Merkle said.

According to junior Marcos Tapia, he joined because he thought it would be fun to get better at something he’s tried already.

“It just seemed fun and I have tried out log rolling before. I wasn’t too good at it, I just thought joining the club would help me get a bit better,” Tapia said. 

Merkle said she hopes the students will have fun and build a community. 

“I’m hoping they have a lot of fun learning, I would imagine most (members) are learning for the first time ,” Merkle said. “I had never heard of (log rolling) and I’m hoping that it builds a community and also can build on itself to sustain past a year.”

Tapia said he is involving himself in the group to improve in his agility, as well as for enjoyment.

“(I joined) for fun. It (will) help for improving balance and coordination and control over my body,” Tapia said. “I hope it’s really care free. It should be somewhat competitive, but in the end it is really just for fun.”