German club plans ahead

Club looks to schedule more activities this year

After German club had their third meeting in December, junior and president Hattie Heiland said she is looking forward to doing more activities for the club. 

“We’d like to do something for Earth Day. So far we made gingerbread houses and we made little lanterns. We basically just do crafts,” Heiland said. 

According to German club adviser Shari Fox, they hold a meeting each month and the activities usually involve students doing crafts. 

“People like to do crafts because it takes a lot of setup time and it is fun to do. It’s like meditation but most people don’t have the opportunity,” Fox said. “(We’d like) as many people that can come as possible.” 

Fox said she hopes students who attend the meetings gain more knowledge about the German holidays they may have not been aware of.  

“(I hope Students) take some ideas and learn about some type of craft or way that (germans) celebrate some type of holiday that we might not have here,” Fox said. 

Junior Katherine Shugg said she likes to make crafts and be able to interact with people after school in club meetings. 

“I enjoy getting to make something and just hang out, (its) just a nice thing to do after school,” Shugg said. 

Fox said the club will offer many more activities for students to be able to participate in considering the numerous German holidays.  

“There are a lot holidays in Germany. They have 11 national holidays,” Fox said. “I am sure we will find a reason to have another activity really soon, probably a carnival.” 

Heiland said she wants people to be able to enjoy the activities with friends and attain knowledge about German culture.

“I really hope people can have fun and learn about German culture, but it’s not supposed to be stressful,” Heiland said. “It’s about people (having) a place where they can go with their friends and do fun stuff at school.” 

According to Fox, if students want to participate in the meetings they will have to let her know a few days in advance. 

“If anyone wants to come that’s not in German, they need to warn me. If you hear about it or see the signs by my door let me know a few days in advance,” Fox said. “(So we can) have supplies for you.”