Citywide blood drive circulates hope
Donations look to unite community

November 13, 2013
A city-wide initiative to collect blood donations aims to strengthen the community bond and save lives.
The St. Louis Park City Hall is hosting a blood drive Nov. 19.
The blood drive is sponsored by Memorial Blood Centers, an organization that distributes blood to local hospitals. The event is open to all people 17 and older, but 16-year-olds may donate with written consent from a parent or guardian.
John McHugh, the St. Louis Park Blood Drive coordinator, said he is excited for this year’s drive because this is the first time all St. Louis Park residents can donate blood, instead of just city officials.
“This is a blood drive for the public, not just city employes,” McHugh said.
According to McHugh, the city hopes to collect around 14 pints of blood throughout its 21 appointments. Although this is a relatively small blood drive, McHugh said he believes it still is significant.
Junior Aren Rosholt said he believes giving blood motivates people to help others.
“They get people more involved in the community,” Rosholt said. “(It) get(s) people thinking about other things, other people and the need for blood in hospitals and clinics.”
In addition to saving peoples’ lives, junior Nitsa Dereskos said she thinks blood drives are an important way to connect community members to one another.
“You feel a stronger connection to everyone in the community,” Dereskos said.
McHugh said the blood collected in the drive is used for whole blood transfusions.
The donated blood is then donated to local hospitals where it will be stored for later use.
Senior Bobby Hanson said he thinks giving blood is a simple way to help someone in need.
“It’s so quick, but it could save someone’s life,” Hanson said.
Students and community members can sign up for the blood drive on the City of St. Louis Park website, where they will need to fill out an application.
All blood types are needed at the drive.