Seventh grader hospitalized after pool-related incident
Counselors will be available to assist students
Balloons were attached to the flag pole outside the Middle School after a student was hospitalized Feb. 27.
February 27, 2014
A seventh grade student at St. Louis Park Middle School was hospitalized after a serious pool-related incident Feb. 27, according to spokesman for the city of St. Louis Park Jamie Zwilling.
The 12-year-old boy was found after his third hour physical education class had ended. The other students were in the locker room when the teacher returned to the pool and found the student in the deep end. The teacher retrieved the student and immediately began CPR.
The student was taken to Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital and was later transferred to Children’s St. Paul Pediatric Hospital. Information about the student’s condition has not been released.
Parent-teacher conferences were postponed and all after-school activities were cancelled at the Middle School. Ongoing support will be provided for Middle School students and staff in response to the incident.