Extra day added to the end of the school year
Snow day forces District to reconsider options
Students are now required to attend an additional day in June to make up school hours lost because of cold-related cancellations earlier this year and a snow day Feb. 28.
March 16, 2014
Despite forfeiting three late start and early release days, as well as one teacher work day, this winter’s weather continues to impact the school year calendar.
After extreme amounts of snow prompted an additional snow day on Feb. 28, the School Board reexamined possibilities to account for this lost time.
The Board met March 10 and came to the conclusion that adding another school day to the end of the school year is the best solution. Now, as opposed to the previous schedule, school will end on June 11 instead of June 10.
Superintendent Rob Metz said that after considering all possible options to make up the lost time, bumping back the last day of school with one extra day was the optimal choice.
“There were several options that would be a little more complex,” Metz said. “ I talked to the bus company and we worked out the logistics of what it would take to add time to the day and adjust the bus routes and so on and so forth. Because there wasn’t a perfect answer I settled on ‘Lets just add a day’.”
This extra day specifically impacts seniors in order to meet their minimum hour requirements of 1,020 hours per year. They now need to come back to school June 10 before their graduation that night instead of solely coming at night for their graduation ceremony.
Although she is not a senior and anticipating graduation, freshman Shadia Hussin said she does not mind having the day added to the end of the year.
“I don’t think it’s too bad,” Hussin said. “I’d rather they add at the end of the year. I’d rather have more days off in the summer, but if it’s too cold it’s not too controversial.”