Baby ducks cross Dakota Ave
Staff direct traffic to keep birds safe
Grade level coordinator Greg Whittle directs traffic with help of three other staff members. The staff helped ducks cross Dakota Ave to safety May 12.
May 12, 2015
Most Recent Update:
Juniors Raina Arntson and Zoë Leuthner said they spotted a dead duck at 8 p.m. May 12 near the intersection of Dakota Ave and Hamilton St.
According to grade level coordinator Greg Whittle, the family of ducks that crossed May 12 were seen the morning of May 13 near Lake St. Whittle said he believes the duck family is alive and safe.
Original Story:
Grade level coordinator Greg Whittle blocks traffic as he stands in the middle of the road, allowing for baby ducks and their mother to pass safely May 12.
Whittle said he observed the ducks for three-to-four weeks with fellow staff.
“They formed a nest over near the outside cafeteria area and I just saw the mom moving around a lot today,” Whittle said. “All of a sudden there were nine or 10 little ones and you could tell they were going to cross the street.”
The ducks were monitored closely for the past month, according to Whittle.
“We made sure no one was bothering the nest and we put some caution tape around it,” Whittle said. “We took a peek at it every day.”
Whittle said the ducks crossed safely.
“Tim and I blocked the street off and let them cross over. Hopefully they’re good now,” Whittle said.
Ellen George, Tim Sension and Danya Castro also assisted with the crossing.