Problems don’t add up

Learning Lab looks for new math teacher

The day senior Maggie Lingner learned the math resource room was unstaffed, she said she was disappointed she couldn’t go to William Tanberg for help anymore.

“I miss Mr. Tanberg,” Lingner said. “He was really helpful for all my math-related homework and explained it in a way that was different than the way the teacher explained it.”

Principal Scott Meyers said the school searched for someone to fill the role in the math room, which William Tanberg tutored in throughout the past five years.

“We are currently looking for someone who can work in our math room. We have not had any luck finding a candidate for that, but we hope to find one soon,” Meyers said.

Meyers said the school will accept anyone who is qualified skill-wise and has a passion for math.

“It’s our hope that they have extensive experience with math. We’ve had people work in there who don’t necessarily have a degree, but who work wonderfully with students,” Meyers said. “We’re looking for anyone with the skill set and a love for making math understandable for high school level classes.”

Meyers said the purpose of the Learning Lab is to help students succeed in school.

“The Learning Lab should be a place where students can access information or support,” Meyers said. “There are some specific offices in there, but there’s also a general work space, where students can work in smaller groups on assignments.”

Lingner said the school should fill the vacant position soon.

“I think there should be a new math teacher, because many kids probably aren’t going to get the help they need,” said Lingner.

Junior Jesse Schwartz said he believes an empty math room is a problem.

“The lack of a specialized teacher in there makes it harder for kids that don’t know how to do something,” Schwartz said. “They can’t really come down here anymore. It just becomes a place to do math and not get help with math.”

Schwartz said Tanberg’s absence hurts some students, but overall, the majority will manage.

“It’s always helpful to have more people that can help in the Learning Lab,” Schwartz said. “It’ll hurt not having Tanberg in there, but we’ll survive.”