Mayoral race narrows down

Two candidates remain in the race for St. Louis Park mayor

Anna duSaire

Former mayor Jeff Jacobs announced on Feb. 5he would not be running for reelection in the fall. Jacobs said his time as mayor has come to an end and it is time for someone new.

“25 years is long enough,” Jacobs said.

The mayoral race began with four candidates: Michael Edlavitch, Erick C. Evans, Conrad Segal and Jake Spano. Erick C. Evans dropped out of the race July 18.

The primaries, held on Aug. 11, reduced the number of candidates from three to two. Jake Spano received 69.75 percent of votes, Conrad Segal received 20.13 percent and Michael Edlavitch received 6.36 percent. This resulted in Michael Edlavitch’s elimination from the race.

Jake Spano started on the St. Louis Park City Council in 2011. Spano said he is involved in St. Louis Park programs because his wife is a teacher at Susan Lindgren elementary school and both his kids go to school in the district.

Although Segal said has not held an elected position, because he grew up in St. Louis Park schools, he is familiar with the community.

Freshman Maddy Eduardo-Gonzalez said she feels the mayor should be someone who is familiar with, and aware of what is happening in slp.

“The person that should be elected should be someone that grew up here and knows what’s going on in the public and the city,” Eduardo-Gonzalez said.

Segal said it is important for student to pay attention to local elections because the decisions are relevant to students’ daily lives.

“A local election is the place your efforts and your vote can really make a visible difference,” Segal said.

Junior Emily Dvergsten said students should pay attention to the mayoral elections so they are prepared when the community changes

“If (the mayor is)going to make a big change they should probably know about it instead of like boom there is a big bombshell all of a sudden,” Dvergsten said.

According to Spano, a good way for students to be more involved is by becoming a youth representative on a city commission, such as Parks and Recreation.

“We need to hear your voice, and that’s why we have youth representatives on many of our commissions because we don’t have all the answers — you do,” Spano said.

Mayoral elections take place Nov. 3. More information on registration, voting times and voting locations can be found on the St. Louis Park city website under elections.Mayoral Primary Infographic