Grading day canceled
Staff lose time to prepare for next quarter
AP psychology teacher Sarah Lindenberg works at her desk Nov. 5. District scheduling removed the first quarter grading day and school remains in session Nov. 6.
November 5, 2015
When sophomore Chava Buchbinder heard teachers weren’t having a grading day, she said she was frustrated about the limited amount of days off students have had since the beginning of the school year.
“I’m so annoyed. When we have grading day teachers should have a day-off to grade. We need a day-off. We already had a quarter of school without enough days off. That is not fair,” Buchbinder said.
Assistant principal Kari Schwietering said the school doesn’t currently know why there is no grading day for teachers this specific quarter, but she said it probably won’t happen again.
“It was a decision made by the district and agreed upon the teacher group,” Schwietering said. “I think that it’s not something they intentionally tried to do but that’s how the calendar played out.”
Civics teacher Mike Nordean said when they don’t have enough work time, they end up disorganized as it gets closer to the end of the quarter. He said he feels the work days increase their productivity.
“We end up scrambling when we don’t have enough work days for end of terms,” Nordean said.
Nordean also said giving up work days may have a positive effect on students in class because they have more school days. However, he said, it negatively affects the teachers.
“Majority of teachers would say we need more grading days and eliminating one would probably be good for students, but not necessarily good for preparation,“ Nordean said.
Science teacher Alan Wachutka said the work days helped him get caught up on things from last quarter and get prepared for next quarter.
“I need that grading day because I need to get caught up with grading, clean up stuff from last quarter and start planning for next quarter,” Wachutka said.
Junior Makila Jones said it was difficult for students to return back to school after a grading day.
“It’s stressful for students to come back to school after a grading day and have to cram in more stuff in their head. It causes stress for students,” Jones said.
Jones also said teachers have to work at such a fast pace since time is limited.
“I also feel bad for the teachers because they have to go home and quickly grade.Then they come back to school and teach another lesson,” Jones said.
Schwietering said the grading day will probably not be canceled again.
“I can’t imagine that will be something that will continue. The district has had grading after each quarter in the past,” Schwietering said. “The district will get feedback after this quarter of not having grading day.”