Theater revises spring show performance dates
Senior Thomas Bryant and juniors Emma Kempf and Morganna Oberdorfer act in the winter one-acts in January. The upcoming spring play will be pushed back to April 27-29 due to conflicts with Prom.
March 1, 2018
With preparations for the upcoming show approaching, junior Zoey Zachek said she along with other theater members noticed the spring show’s performance dates were the same weekend as Prom.
“I think it was more especially towards the end of the one-act, because we were starting to think ‘oh no, theater’s ending. When is it going to start up again,’ and then we looked at the calendar and we were like ‘it’s the same weekend as prom, that’s bad,’” Zachek said.
Zachek said this conflict provides a uniquely challenging decision for the seniors theater members if the show’s performance was not moved.
“Our problem is that one of our performances of the spring play is the same night as prom,” Zachek said. “The spring play is really important to the seniors because it’s their last show, but then also there’s the issue of it being senior prom, so it’s this big conflict, especially for the seniors because it’s either their last performance or their last prom.”
According to theater director Jodi Hatzenbeller, the dates for the spring show have been moved as to avoid conflict.
“We actually had to move our performance date forward a week because it conflicted with the prom date,” Hatzenbeller said. “There were a lot of concerns raised over students not being able to participate in both, because prom is a right of passage, people want to be apart of that, but, at the same time, we can’t do a play without actors being there for the performances and technicians as well.”
Hatzenbeller said she along with thespian leaders decided to move the whole show date instead of changing the time of the conflicting performance.
“We just sort of decided that either we needed to move the time of the play to a matinee on Saturday, or we had to move the date of the play. We decided to go with the date,” Hatzenbeller said.
Zachek said she the could be a lower turnout if the show is scheduled the same night as prom.
“A large portion of our audience is made up of parents too, but definitely our attendance count will drop just like it did for one of the one-act’s because of the football games,” Zachek said.
Hatzenbeller said the theater program acknowledged fewer students would have been able to attend if the dates hadn’t been moved.
“As far as an audience goes too, we realized that we probably would have pretty low attendance on prom night at least from our student based audience,” Hatzenbeller said.
According to Hatzenbeller the new show dates are April 27-29.