Students react to new bathroom pass policy

Instagram account creators hope to spread awareness

Anna Benishek

Juniors Jade Shionoya and Hattie Heiland, creators of the @letmeslpee Instagram account, sell “Let Me SLPee” buttons for $2 at the Nest Sept. 13. Students were given the opportunity to write down and share their opinion on the new bathroom rules.

Talia Lissauer

Confused about the new bathroom policies, junior Jade Shionoya said he co-created the Instagram page @letmeslpee page because the school’s new “no grab and go” policy is unfair to students.

“People can’t expect you to go to the bathroom at a certain time,” Shionoya said. “That’s not how human bodies work.”

According to assistant principal Jessica Busse, staff members are not required to call a grade level coordinator (GLC) to escort a student to the bathroom, but students should not be going to the bathroom in the same class multiple times a week.

“(Teachers) don’t have to (call a GLC). If they have a concern about the student (going to the bathroom) on a regular basis or they think that there is something else going on, then they can call a GLC,” Busse said. “We are stressing essential passes only.”

Shionoya said an issue with the policy is when long lines form during the five minute passing time.

“We need to make the bathroom more accessible,” Shionoya said. “(No classroom passes) clog up the bathrooms during passing time.”

According to junior Liz Hodges, @letmeslpee has generated a lot of support from the student body and the buttons they are selling are a great way to protest the new bathroom policy.

“Students who have started social media campaigns are rallying a lot of the student body behind the cause,” Hodges said. “I’ve purchased a button from them. I think that’s a really good way to show the administration in a subtle, but noticeable way the student body doesn’t agree with their policy.”