Second semester editorial staff 2019-2020

December 28, 2019
Editors-in-Chief: Marta Hill and Isabel Kjaer
Managing Editors: Gabe Kaplan, Kaia Myers, Noah Orloff, Carissa Prestholdt and Sofia Seewald
Copy Editors: Sofie Geretz, Tobias Khabie and Ruthie Posada
Assistant Copy Editor: Tenzin Gyaldatsang
Design Editors: Maggie Klaers and Sophie Livingston
Photo Editors: Anna Benishek, Abby Prestholdt and Emily Ziessman
News Editor: Talia Lissauer
Features Editor: Molly Schochet
In-Depth Editor: Maddie Schutte
Sports Editor: Sadie Yarosh
Opinions Editor: Maria Perez-Barriga
Entertainment Editor: Ben Sanford
Broadcast Editor: Izzy Kanne
Video Editor: Lilly Strathman
Infographics Editor: Ryan Barnett
Business Manager: