IB exams cancelled
Organization responds to pandemic
March 23, 2020
Amid concerns over the COVID-19 outbreak, International Baccalaureate has canceled its May 2020 exams, according to a statement released March 23.
“Our students, their well-being and their progression in future stages of life have been at the forefront of our thinking as we respond to this extraordinary pandemic,” the statement said.
In addition to the cancellation, the Internal Assessment deadline has been extended to May 20.
According to the statement, released March 23, International Baccalaureate (IB) hopes this decision will keep the best interests of all students in mind.
“Our goal continues to be to find ways to support our global community during these uncertain times and provide the best possible outcomes for our students,” the statement said.
According to the statement, students will still have the opportunity to receive an IB Diploma.
“This is based on student’s coursework and the established assessment expertise, rigor and quality control already built into the programmes,” the statement said.
Comprehensive details will be sent to schools March 27, according to the statement.