Prom delayed until summer

Virtual prom to take place April 18 in addition

Art by Maggie Klaers.

Talia Lissauer

Following Gov. Tim Walz’s decision to extend the stay-at-home order until May 3, Park has postponed this year’s prom, which was originally scheduled for April 18, to the summer, according to 6425 News.

“There were moments of hope during the past month that it could be held as scheduled. However, the continued Stay At Home Executive Order from Governor Walz through May 4, where large gatherings are not permitted, meant Prom could not be held in a meaningful and traditional way,” according to 6425 News.

Although prom has been postponed, Student Council is putting together a virtual dance. They are inviting everyone to get dressed up and go outside to dance 7:30 p.m. April 18.

“Get dressed up in something fancy, pick a song to dance to, and go outside to get groovin,” according to 6425 News. “We want the Class of 2020 Seniors to hear the music playing around the city!”

Student Council will be putting together a compilation of videos shared with their Instagram, @slpstudentcouncil with #slpwontstopdancing.