Tutoring required for struggling athletes
Required tutoring brings mixed reactions
Senior Jordan Moore dribbles down the court in a game against Benilde Feb. 5. Athletes struggling in classes will now be required to attend tutoring on Wednesdays.
February 26, 2021
Shortly after registering for the swim team this season, junior Zachary Nathan received an email asking him to come to athlete tutoring on Wednesdays.
“I had an F in a class, even though I had turned all of my assignments at that point,” Nathan said. “Then the second I joined swimming, I (got) reached out to.”
Park has started requiring tutoring for all athletes who are failing a class, according to Vice Principal Jessica Busse. Athletes who are connected by the athletic office must come into school on Wednesday’s for study hall until their grade is at least a C.
Although he understands athletes must maintain a passing grade in order to participate in their sport, Nathan feels that this opportunity should be given to all students who are struggling.
“Just having something in Park Connections or putting something in the 6425 about opportunities with Wednesday study halls with teachers walking would be a nice thing,” Nathan said.
According to sophomore cross-country runner Denly Lindeman, because it is only athletes at the tutoring it allows a sense of community.
“You know something about everybody else there,” Lindeman said. “You’re not just complete like out of the blue like, ‘I don’t know who this person is at all,’ you at least know you both play a sport.”
Besides being able to work in the cafeteria, Busse said teachers are also available to help out student athletes.
“A lot of our teachers are also available during that time so the athletes will go and see their teachers that are in person,” Busse said. ”It has been a really good time to just get that additional help from.”
Overall, Lindeman thinks it’s very beneficial for students to have this opportunity to work individually with teachers.
“It’s sometimes hard when you’re just in class and the teachers rambling on about whatever and if you don’t have a clue what’s going on (and) you don’t want to speak up,” Lindeman said. “But I think if it’s one-on-one like that, you can really get a lot better help.