The newly renovated “Link” area has officially opened its doors to Park students. The Link offers students a modern and vibrant area to study, collaborate and unwind. It features new seating, conference and quiet rooms and open space for large gatherings. Even with all these new features, students still have mixed opinions on whether this addition was necessary, considering the cost and the lack of accessibility.
Librarian Nancy Becerra-Balbuena said the small group rooms and comfortable seating attract students to the area, which has many learning benefits.
“The various amounts of space here is really nice. The small group rooms and the seating arrangements that you can move around are very inviting to students,” Becerra-Balbuena said. “The small group rooms help everyone inside and outside to focus more by keeping it quiet.”
Senior Trey Janssen said he likes the Link, but he said he hasn’t used it much because of how rarely students are allowed in.
“It’s a nice area. It’s cool because of how much space there is, but I don’t see myself using it that much,” Janssen said. “I wish they would open it up more because I’ve only been in there once with my class.”
Junior Evan Scott said the Link should be opened up more to get its money’s worth. He said it costs too much for how often it may be used.
“I know that it was expensive and it’s cool, but we’re never gonna use it,” Scott said. “We barely have time to use it during the day, and it seems like there was no point in adding it.”
According to Becerra-Balbuena, the new spaces and features help students stay engaged while they are there. She said she has noticed an increase in students and classes attending the area.
“There have definitely been more people down here. More teachers have been bringing classes down here to work on projects, and it’s nice that there is lots of room for everyone to go,” Becerra-Balbuena said. “It allows a variety of students to come, instead of the same students every day, (and) now more students can enjoy the space.”
According to Scott, the Link would get used more if there were fewer restrictions on the area. He said he doesn’t see himself using it unless they change it.
“I just wish it would open up more. You’re not gonna see people hanging out there because they are strict about not eating and only using it for 10 minutes before and after school,” Scott said. “I don’t have any reason to go in there unless I want to do work.”
Janssen said the Link is a good option for Park students to have. He said it’s a good addition to the building.
“I think people will use it, it’s a good place to study and get things done. We’ve never really had a spot like this,” Janssen said.