Opinion: Trump attempts to evade legal action
Protests for change have success
I stand against the ban on immigration and with those that have been affected and for the action to reverse the ban.
President Donald Trump signed a heartless executive order in January declaring all immigrants would be banned from a list of seven countries for 90 days and all refugees for 120 days. The ban also specified Syrian refugees indefinitely.
On March 3, a federal district court in Seattle blocked Trump’s travel ban, allowing refugees and people from these countries to enter the U.S. The block was followed early March 4 by an appeal from the Justice Department stating that the president has “constitutional authority” to order a ban such as this one. The Ninth Circuit Court moved quickly to dismiss the Justice Department’s appeal.
When Trump signed the first executive order, my heart sank for those who wouldn’t be able to see their families or seek refuge due to trumps xenophobia and ignorance . I’m thrilled to see that the people’s determination trumps his hate.
Not only was this act unconstitutional, but it was immoral. For a president to ban a group of people from entering a country solely because of their religion and nationality is despicable, and then to remove a country simply to just avoid backlash is ill-advised.
The fact that this order was reversed shows the people that protests hold meaning and can lead to real action if the cause is good and the people are willing. Strong efforts can cause real change.
Some will say Trump’s ban wasn’t a ban on a religion, but a ban on war torn regions with weak governments.Those statements can be proven to be miscalculated. A section of the order states how religion and nationality was part of the ban. Trump can try and cover up his true intentions all he wants, but facts will always prevail —the real ones, not the “alternative” ones.
Trump seems to think if one group of Muslims does something bad all Muslims will act the same way. That’s like saying because one person committed a crime all people will and that’s simply not true. It’s refreshing to know that majority of the people in this country stand for allowing immigrants and refugees into this country.
Banning seven countries where the majority of the population is Muslim was only feeding to the fire which is Muslim extremists and those who support them. Although the ban was reversed it still made an impact and that won’t be forgotten.
What makes America great is the wide variety of cultures and religions it has. The ban on immigrants had no benefits. If upheld, it will only make America worse.

Hey guys Alexis here! I love informing people about whats going on in the world, so here I am! I enjoy long walks on the beach, learning new things, karate...