Walmart hair care product lock-up exposes injustice in some stores
Racial allegations made out to corporation
Hair care products line the shelves at Walmart in Eden Praire, which does not restrict its hair products.
February 22, 2018
According to the New York Times, Walmart is currently facing a lawsuit from Essie Grundy, an African-American woman, who feels as if she was treated as a criminal.
When Grundy walked into a California Walmart to buy a 49 cent comb, she saw that it was locked up in a glass case separated from other hair products. After the incident, Grundy decided to file a racial discrimination lawsuit against Walmart.
According to the New York Times, Walmart claims to lock up products they feel are at a higher risk of being stolen.
The practice of locking up products intended for African-American consumers racially stereotypes them as thieves or criminals. If Walmart is worried about security, it should lock up the shelves of all of its hair products.
According to Business Insider, Walmart claims they do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. However, there have been multiple instances of racial allegations against Walmart.
In February 2016, Dr. Gilbert Kalonde, a black Montana resident, walked into Walmart to renew his fishing license. A Walmart employee purposely typed Kalonde’s profession as “cleaning toilets.”
Actions such as these by Walmart employees are hurtful to people of color. These incidents indicate the stereotyping of certain customers and discrimination toward people of color even when purchasing simple products.
Walmart said some products are subjected to extra security and those determinations are made on a “store-by-store basis.”
Although set-up differs by store, Walmart needs to make it clear to their stores that when locking up certain products, they must understand the racist connotation that may come with this procedure. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Kalonde asked for an apology but Walmart refused.
In August 2016, the ACLU filed a Human Rights Bureau complaint for Kalonde. According to the ACLU, Walmart was allegedly discriminating against Kalonde on the basis of his race. Walmart later apologized.
Race plays a big role in society. America today has made progress in dealing with racial discrimination, but inequality and injustice still remains.
Walmart should teach their employees how to treat their customers. The way people of color are being stereotyped is not fair.