Maggie Klaers

President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh creates division

Christine Blasey Ford has come forward with allegations of being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh at a party in high school in 1982. She has testified her story as part of Kavanaugh’s senate confirmation hearings.

October 8, 2018

Kavanaugh deserves benefit of doubt

President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been under heavy scrutiny for the alleged assault of Christine Blasey Ford, a professor from California.

Kavanaugh has sworn under oath that the allegations of sexual assault never happened. “I swear today — under oath, before the Senate and the nation; before my family and God — I am innocent of this charge,” Kavanaugh stated according to the National Catholic Register.

One of Kavanaugh’s best friends in college, Chris Dudley, said in a statement to the White House, “in all the years I have known him, I have never seen him to be disrespectful or inappropriate with women.”

Kavanaugh deserves to be angry and emotional at the allegations thrown at him.

How would you feel if allegations of sexual assault were thrown against you while you have a chance of serving in the highest court of the U.S. government?

Even if he is innocent, his family name and more than 10 years of legal expertise are thrown in the trash.

I acknowledge that Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh may have happened, but I also believe that Kavanaugh deserves due process.

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Kavanaugh would be a disgrace to the Court

Ever since President Trump announced Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nominee to replace Anthony Kennedy, he has been under scrutiny.

The concerns multiplied when Christine Blasey Ford came forward with her allegation.

Representatives, such as Lindsey Graham, have vehemently defended Kavanaugh and said that it is not fair to judge or “destroy” Kavanaugh’s life and career for something he did in high school, according to The Washington Post.

Since an assault can affect a victim’s life well into adulthood, the perpetrator should be held accountable.

Someone like Kavanaugh who has denied all of his allegations and won’t own up to his past actions should not be confirmed.

It took incredible courage for Ford to come forward against a SCOTUS nominee, even during the era of the #MeToo movement. The fact that the elected officials of the United States can be so cruel to a victim of sexual assault is disgusting.

Some Kavanaugh supporters try to make the alleged assault seem like it was Ford’s fault, questioning her sobriety or if she could even remember the events because it was so long ago. I personally believe Ford no matter her sobriety or how much time has past.

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