As the nerves of the first week of school fade, students are beginning to get into the full swing of curriculum work. This year, work will begin the second week of school, as admin announced to teachers that the first four days were to be devoted to syllabus and community building work. This week was successful for three reasons.
First, students were able to get comfortable in their environments. The biggest thing on my mind the first week wasn’t worrying about grades like it is most of the year, it’s whether I’m going to like my classes and teachers. With the week focused on getting into the swing of things in my new environment, I’m really able to get comfortable instead of being constantly stressed out. An overwhelming amount of work makes me dislike a class. I was able to get used to the classmates and teachers, and it gave me a chance to build trust. This is important during the year when we have deep classroom discussions. It is important that it is a safe space that I can trust. Through community building I can find that trust and comfort in my new classes.
Secondly, it established the guidelines early through the syllabus. This is something that every year needs to be settled early to ensure order in the school. This allows the learning environment to be good for everyone. It’s very important as a student for the teacher to have charge of a class, as distractions harm the environment. The syllabus goes over classroom expectations and content we will explore throughout the year. It gives me an idea of what the teacher wants from the class, and it gets me prepared for the year. Without going over expectations, I believe classes would be chaotic and disorganized.
Lastly, after three months of not having a schedule, I know students including myself need an adjustment period. Personally I’m not a person that sleeps in much, but during the summer, naps are a common occurrence for me to reenergize during the day. I can’t nap at school. Pair that with athletes who get to school at 8 a.m. and don’t get home until 8 p.m., it’s really hard on the mind and body. That’s why this adjustment period without having to worry about school work is vital to start off with success. Going to bed earlier and waking up earlier while staying focused on school and sports is always a hard adjustment. No work the first week makes it that much easier.