Park has a variety of sports and clubs that are perfect for people looking for an extra activity after school with friends or to expand their skill sets. Park holds many opportunities to join these activities, and new members are always welcome to join. Sports are very time-consuming but can be very enjoyable with the right mindset, and often have a huge turnout with invigorating pep talks and a pleased crowd.
Some of the best clubs at Park, in my opinion, are YIG (Youth in Government) and the Rock On Climbing Club. YIG is an amazing group of students who work hard to get the chance to go to the Minnesota Capitol and work in a mock government. It is an excellent after-school activity for expanding a simple skill set or if you want to pursue a career that deals with the government or dealing with cases. YIG is amazing for people who want to achieve more educational resources during high school and allows you to engage with people who are highly interested in the different forms of government. YIG helps demonstrate a state-level government for students. Many of the meetings with YIG only take 15-45 minutes after school and minimal time to finish work.
Rock On Climbing Club is an immersive club that pushes students to their limits. Climbing club helps with self-confidence and learning to push yourself in tough spots, and you get to enjoy a fun experience with a big group of people interested in climbing. I would highly suggest joining climbing club for people who have a lot of extra time and want to do some activity while not having to work. If you want an adrenaline rush, Rock On Climbing Club is your club to go to. Being at the top of the climb is a truly different feeling from anything else.
Additionally, the esports club is amazing if you are interested in technology and want to hang out with friends. It’s a highly diverse, complex and challenging gameplay, and helps with critical thinking and creative work. I’ve noticed how complicated the gameplay is and how deep it can go with only a small amount of time. Every member of the esports club is very dedicated and focused on their work.
In my opinion, the best sports at Park are basketball, football and swimming. Basketball is a very popular sport throughout the United States, and Park basketball games always have a huge turnout with loud crowds and amazing gameplay. Park’s basketball team has an amazing vibe with a very supportive team, coaches and players. A lot of the players on the basketball team have been playing for years and have great advice and great ball knowledge to push you even further if you do decide to join.
Joining the football team is a fun and inclusive sport. All team members work hard almost every day during the season and it’s all worth it in the end. Being under the Friday night lights feels surreal, as well as playing with a dedicated team feels amazing. There are many benefits like unlimited food before games and the love and support of the community at these games. Both these sports are a big part of the community and are enjoyable for all families.
Park’s swim team doesn’t have the biggest following, but it holds some of the most energetic crowds I’ve seen as parents and friends cheer as loud as they can in a condensed room. They are unique in how they get the crowd riled up and it’s really interesting how they swim. The swim team also seems to all have a deep connection with one another and always pushes each other to their fullest.
There are many other good sports and clubs at Park, but these few have the most following or are the ones that people enjoy most making them the most likable. If anyone wants something extra to do or to gain new skills, I would recommend joining a club or sport.