Echo celebrates Racial Equity Month

Welcome to Echo’s Racial Equity Month!

Prominently over the past few months, the Park community has faced questions of racial equality and inequality in our district. In light of this recent dialogue, we feel it is extraordinarily important to amplify the voices of those around us who are impacted by racism.  

We are excited to announce Echo’s series about racial equity and privilege, Racial Equity Month, which will take place during May. Videos and articles about a range of subjects will be published each week throughout the month. Additional pieces will also be posted regarding how race and education intersect at Park and in the big picture.

An open forum on race was held April 26, where students and Echo staff openly discussed issues related to racial equity in our school and community. We would like to thank everyone who attended. For those who were unable to be there, another open forum will take place before the end of the school year. Time and date are to be determined, so please stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates.

Letters to the editors, whether they focus on racial equity at Park, the country, or the world, are also encouraged. They must be signed by a single individual and be no more than 250 words. Students can drop off their letters in room C275 or email them to