Women’s products cost more than men’s

Wage gap amplifies issue

Being a woman comes with many benefits, but being a woman is also really expensive.

On average, women spend $1,350 more than men each year for identical products, according to Consumer News and Business Channel. Women pay more for products and services than men, and statistically get paid less than men in the workforce.

According to a study by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, women’s products cost on average 7 percent more than men’s. Women’s clothing costs 8 percent more on average than men’s, and women’s personal products cost a shocking 13 percent more.

It’s unfair that women pay on average $8.25 for lotion while men only pay on average $7.43, according to the Washington Post. One gender having to pay more than another goes against the notion of equal rights. This causes women to buy the male version of products just because of the price difference, according to an organization called  Quartz.

Women also have to pay more for haircuts than men. It’s true that women generally have longer hair, but women with short hair still have to pay more. Women pay an average of $44 for haircuts while men only have to pay $28, according to U.S. News and World Report. Even dry cleaning presents the same issue; men and women may have an identical shirt but women still tend to pay more.

As if paying more for products alone isn’t enough, women also get paid less than men in the workforce. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, women earn 77 cents for every dollar men make working at the same job. According to American Association of University Women, Latina women make 53 cents for every man’s dollar and African American women make 64 cents. Women should not receive lower pay than men. Women aren’t weaker than men. They deserve equal pay for equal work.

In Minnesota, a full-time female worker on average gets paid $42,066 yearly, while a full-time male worker gets paid $51,625 for the same amount of time. The stereotype of men working harder than women still lives on and it makes people think women deserve to get paid less.

Women’s rights are violated every day and students today need to bring a stop to this by spreading awareness. Women shouldn’t have to pay more for products and should be paid equally compared to men. It shouldn’t have to be expensive to be a woman.

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