Staff Editorial: First week of hybrid proves safe

Park ensures guidelines are followed


Ryan Barnett

Interim Principal Wendy Loberg talks to a student during lunch Oct. 26. Park began a hybrid model at 25% capacity Oct. 26.

Students with the last name A-E were welcomed back for the first day of 25% hybrid learning Oct. 26. All students were divided into five cohorts, four in-person cohorts and one fully distance learning. The Echo Editorial Board believes the first week of hybrid learning for Park was successful and keeping students safe.

Unlike the original plan of going back to in-person hybrid learning Oct. 5 with 50% capacity, starting with 25% for two weeks was the right choice. With this structure, it gives the opportunity to see how hybrid learning could look like in the future. 

Although normality is currently unachievable, the Editorial Board appreciates the efforts coming from the school to make learning as normal as possible while still following COVID-19 guidelines to keep everyone safe. With hallways filled with small amounts of students, regulated bathrooms and desks placed 6-feet apart in classrooms, the school environment during the first week of hybrid felt safe.

This week of in-person learning benefited several students and it allowed for the social interaction that most have been lacking for several months. It was also a nice mental break and something that many even looked forward to. Overall, students found that the most impactful thing during their one day in school was creating real connections with most of their teachers for the first time.

During this time of distance learning, the most important concern has been the mental and physical health of the students and staff and finding the balance between both. Most students found this week to be that balance. Many students found a positive impact on their mental health when it came to their one day of in-person school while still feeling safe. Students and staff took precautions by cleaning their classrooms after every class and enforcing social distancing rules.

In order for hybrid to safely continue, students should make sure to follow and enforce COVID-19 guidelines in and out of school in order to ensure safety for others in the community.