In the SPOTLIGHT: Filmmaker makes his mark
Activity: Junior Charlie Berg is a filmmaker.
Camera ready: Junior Charlie Berg looks over his most recent film, a hobby he has pursued in his free time. He spends part of his weekends editing his films and being a part-time filmmaker.
January 21, 2015
How are you involved in filmmaking?
I’m in the process of making my final film for the IB film class. Over the summer I also worked as a production assistant for an indie film.
What’s your favorite part about filmmaking?
I’m drawn to art in general, and film spoke to me since I was little. When I was 4 or 5 I made a film with my friend (junior) Jens Albright with the help of our dads. I really like all the different elements there are to it. I like being involved, from writing to editing.
Why does film interest you?
I’ve been really interested in art in general and I see film as a way to converge all these art forms into something I can create and share with people.
What did you learn during your time as a production assistant?
I mostly did intern type stuff for an indie film called “Dragonfly.” But I also got to get really good insight into how real filmmaking is done. It’s rare to get an opportunity like that for someone as young as myself.
What are your short term goals for filmmaking?
I plan to start making films more seriously. With IB film there were always time or content restrictions, so I hope to get more creative with it. I’m also in the process of creating a film club with a few of my friends.
What do you hope to achieve with the formation of the club?
We want to create an environment where we can talk about movies in a more meaningful way, and give people opportunities for more insight.
How far do you plan on taking it?
My goal in life is to become a professional filmmaker, whether it be big budget or independent. I plan on going to school for it after I graduate from high school.