Athena award recipient honored at luncheon
Luncheon is held to recognize all the Athena award recipients in the Minneapolis area
Senior Athena award recipient Sophie Olmen poses for a picture by her poster board that contains information on her athletic acheivemnets during her high school career.
June 2, 2019
Senior Sophie Olmen attended the Athena Award Ceremony luncheon at the DoubleTree in Bloomington May 3.
According to Olmen, at the ceremony they had lunch and there were different speakers who shared personal stories about impactful events in their life to inspire the new Athena winners in their future endeavors.
“I went to a banquet and we listened to a few different speakers and then they presented everyone with their awards,” Olmen said.
Assistant athletic director Whitney Meierotto-Simon said it is very important to have the Athena Award to recognize the excellence of women athletes.
“The importance is to show how great females are, that female athletes are just as great as male athletes. This is just a way to show women they are empowered,” Meierotto-Simon said.
According to assistant athletic director Brittani Scroeder, our schools’ Athena Award winner does not receive enough recognition for the accomplishment.
“The only thing that I can think of is we have our Athena award winner plaque out in the hall and then the banquet,” Scroeder said.
Meierotto-Simon said Olmen had a supportive group of people from her community attend the banquet in support of her.
“I know all of her coaches were at the table. There was also representation from the athletic office, the superintendent, and the principal,” Meierotto-Simon said. She was recognized by a small group of people but not on a large scale. Nothing is done to celebrate it.”
Olmen said she was very happy she was able to be recognized surrounded by the people who helped her to get to where she is today.
“I am very thankful that I got to experience that with some of my family and coaches,” Olmen said.