Senior competes in log rolling

Clayton Horstman starts club

Used with permission by Clayton Horstman.

Abigail Prestholdt

Senior Clayton Horstman began his journey in log rolling when he saw a picture of a competition posted in an article. He said the sport has allowed him to branch out and develop relations with others. 

“I saw a picture of it in a newspaper and thought it was super cool,” Horstman said. “(I’ve) been able to meet some super cool people and have awesome opportunities.” 

Horstman said he began his own log rolling club after multiple setbacks but eventually reached his goals through the St. Louis Park Community Center. 

“I got the idea to start the club my junior summer. We tried to start it through the athletics department but were set behind so we ended up starting it with the community center,” Horstman said.

Sophomore Christina Loschy said she got involved in the club after Horstman wanted more people to grow his club and asked her to participate. 

“I have been included in the log rolling club since he started it. He had the idea for the club and I agreed to join,” Loschy said.

Horstman said he enjoys the unique dynamic of the club and sport as it allows for a competitive setting in which you work with your competitor. 

“It’s fun because you feel as though you are rolling with the person and not against them,” Horstman said.

Loschy said she felt Horstman is an effective instructor especially to new club members who didn’t know how the sport works. 

“He is a really good log rolling teacher and he was super nice and positive with beginners. He’s a great leader and organizer of events and tournaments,” Loschy said.

Horstman said this summer was unique as they were not able to have normal competitions but were able to do small club events. 

“During this past summer, we were able to roll in some lakes but with everything going on now we aren’t able to continue,” Horstman said.